Hello! I'm

Josie Maia

Front-end developer based in

Sonora California

Featuring recent projects I've worked on

White orchid

Orchid Project

The first project I completed with SheCodes Basic.It's a simple site based on orchids . It demonstrate my knowledge of basic HTML CSS and JavaScript. HTML atributes, classes and container elements. CSS properties, pseudo-selectors and default CSS styling. JavaScript variables , if else statements logical operators, functions , selectors, events and refactoring. Also the use of Visual Studio and others developer tools.

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weather app

Weather App

A functional vanilla weather search engine including the searched city week's forecast. Extensive JavaScript implementation a well as API and AJAX. introduction to useful developer tools such as Flexbox, Bootstrap and freehand. Introduction to GIT, GitHub hosting and Netlify.

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Portfolio Exercise

Portfolio exerise developed to learn and practice how to make a website responsive which eveolved into the current Portfolio. Including a colapsable and responsive navigation bar, responsive grid, fluid images and navigation bar. Media queries,SEO and multiple pages hosting with advanced functional HTML links. Introduction to InVision and Figma.

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Online Dictionary


A Dictionary tool created with React, including the use of AJAX and API.

Coming Soon

This website is Open-Source coded by Josie Maia